Our Grant Winner
Danielle makes her "Marc" through YOLO, that makes a difference in the lives of sick children and their families in local communities who are suffering from adversity & trying to overcome life changing circumstances.
Danielle makes her "Marc" through YOLO, that makes a difference in the lives of sick children and their families in local communities who are suffering from adversity & trying to overcome life changing circumstances.
#MAKEYOURMARC is about celebrating and supporting exceptional women who are making their “marc” in the world. We support women who are making a difference by giving them up to $5,000 to support their cause and help further their mission. Know someone who is dedicated to helping others? Passionate about marking change?
I started #MAKEYOURMARC to align my passion for shoes with the greater purpose of celebrating and supporting women who make a difference. These women have always inspired the shoes I make and I'm delighted to recognize their incredible achievements and give them financial support to continue their exceptional work. Nominate someone you know who’s actively making a difference and #MAKEYOURMARC.