Our goal is simple... to inspire, encourage, recognize and help fund activities for real life role models who do extraordinary work in their chosen fields. We do so by supporting women with up to $5,000 to support their cause and help further their mission. These women are people who are making a change and making their “marc” on society.
Applicant Criteria
- Applicant must be 18 years or older
- Legal resident of the US
- A women entrepreneur
Business Criteria
- 501C3 certified
- Nonprofit
How To Apply
To Apply Make Sure You Meet Our Criteria
- All applicants can apply through our nominate tab on the top of our page or by clicking here. Please make sure to fill out the form completely
- Applications will be accepted by online entry only
- Limit one entry per person/email address
- Nominees will be reviewed and the winner will be notified via email
1 Grant Winner will receive
- Up to $5,000 towards their cause
- A pair of Marc Fisher shoes
- Collaborations on events together
- Social media and email collaboration
- Spotlight on our #MakeYourMarc site
Q: Can I apply more than once in a year?
Yes! We actually encourage you to apply during each nomination period
Q: Is there an application fee?
Q: Are there restrictions on how to use the grant money won?
Yes, you must use the money to invest in and further your cause
Q: If my company is not based in the U.S. can I apply?
No, you must be registered and operated in the U.S.
Q: Can I nominate myself ?